UPDATE 05.09.: Hanne Fink Ferdinand's speech about Global professional transition and re-writing the dual career narrative is now part of session 1221, still scheduled at 9:45am New Delhi time. Hanne will be in room CM5. The session will be transmitted live on WEF TV.-----We are proud to announce that here we are country manager, Kenya Hanne Fink Ferdinand will participate and represent here we are at Women Economic Forum in New Delhi, India, May 8th-13th 2017.On May 10th Hanne will be the main speaker on the session: Global professional transition and re-writing the dual career narrative (session 1323, 9:45-10:45 am New Delhi local time).All sessions will be filmed and transmitted live. We will share more information when we know the details.Hanne will also host a round table discussion on May 10th focusing on the dual career narrative. On May 9th Hanne will participate in two panel discussions: Understanding the Expat world (session 1118) and Ow(n)ing the narrative (session 1165).If you are i New Delhi be sure to connect with Hanne to learn more about her skills and experiences and to learn more about here we are and our work to change the way we talk about dual careers in an international context.Hanne Fink Ferdinand can be reached at: kenya@hereweareglobal.com  


Another new beginning


A new dual career narrative