An idea can be powerful

Better proceed slowly. Take time to reflect. Allow for an idea to rest for a bit and then you can revisit and refine it. Thoughtful advice from a fellow here we are member from the UK that has taken great interest in shaping the future of our network and building a strong example here in Central Asia.Together we have discussed the opportunities and challenges of the global endeavour we are determined to pursue. Listened to words of Indian wisdom. Studied the works of our San Fransisco based illustrator and Finnish graphic designer. Interviewed the wise woman from Pakistan heading up our professional development events. Worked with an Uzbek photographer on video and website ideas. We have drawn on experiences and philosophical inspiration - from sufism to buddhism, existential philosophy to ancient Chinese thoughts on life.Laughing and wondering where the collaboration with a European partner on social impact will take us and all the good persons around us. High on the shared belief that linking up with likeminded, yet diverse people is the key to opening opportunities for each other - and to push for a global change in how international and national communities interact with each other when on the move. The 'WE' power. We have high aspirations for the network we are creating and wish for everyone engaging in our circles to always bear in mind that co-creation is so much more powerful than doing everything on your own.Hold on. I heard this idea before. The power of 'I' and the power of 'WE'. Suddenly it all comes together and I remember that this very concept was introduced to me some 10 years ago when living and working in Nepal. My inspiration and managerial guidance from two experienced management and OD professionals now rings all the more true than ever. Namaste and thank you to all staff at Organisation Development Centre, Kathmandu! Your ideas were indeed powerful.Reference: Ken Afful; I Power. The Power of the Individual and the Effectiveness of the Organisation. (The Concept of 'I' and 'WE'). Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen is a Global HR professional and the founder of here we are.  


So is this an HR or CSR initiative?


Omnia mea mecum porto!